What To Do If Your Pet Eats Something Toxic

What to Do If Your Pet Eats Something Toxic.

As much as we try to keep our pets safe, accidents happen. Curious noses sometimes find their way into trouble. But what do you do if your pet eats something toxic? At East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we know how distressing it is to realize your pet has eaten something potentially dangerous. Here’s what you need to know to handle pet poisoning situations calmly and effectively.


How Dental Disease Affects Your Pet’s Health 

How Dental Disease Affects Your Pet’s Health .

Your pet’s wagging tail or comforting purr may seem to say, “I’m fine,” but what if their mouth is telling a different story? Poor oral health in pets is a hidden threat that impacts more than just their teeth. Surprisingly, it affects their entire body! Today, the team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center will share how those pearly (or not-so-pearly) whites play a pivotal role in your furry companion’s overall wellbeing.


The Importance of Regular Pet Grooming

Dog Grooming.

At East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we’re dedicated to helping your pet live a happy, healthy life. One often-overlooked aspect of pet care that can significantly impact their well-being is regular grooming. Keeping up with grooming doesn’t just make your pet look their best—it’s also essential for their overall health. In this post, we’ll explore the many benefits of grooming and why it should be a regular part of your pet’s routine.


New Year’s Resolutions For Your Pet

New Year’s Resolutions For Your Pet

New Year Pet Health Resolutions to Try

Here at East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we believe in setting New Year’s pet resolutions for our furry family members. It’s only a little more work for us, and it comes with big benefits, like improvements to our pets’ wellbeing—and ours. We’ve complied some simple yet effective ways to get your pet’s health on track for the new year.


Holiday Compassion: Ways to Support Local Animal Shelters and Rescue Pets

Shelter puppies.

If you’re looking for ways to give back to your community this holiday season, consider showing your support for area pet shelters, and help make this the merriest of pet holidays for animals in need. Many area cat shelters and dog shelters are at maximum capacity and would welcome any help you can provide. Review these suggestions on how to help shelters from our team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center, and let’s make this the merriest of pet holidays for deserving animals in our community. 


Decorating for the Holidays: How to Pet-Proof Your Home

Dog sleeping on lap next to Christmas Tree.

Nothing spreads holiday cheer quite like the wreaths, sparking lights, and flickering candles that we use to decorate our homes. But when it comes to households with pets, there are important dog and cat safety factors to keep in mind. Here are some tips for decorating your home for a pet-safe, celebratory holiday season:


Preparing Pets for Sacramento’s Cooler Weather

cat bundled in up.

With the summer heatwave now a distant memory and the crisp, clean air of winter on the way, you might be wondering if there are steps you should take for Sacramento pet winter preparation. While our winters are relatively mild, our pets can still feel the chill, so in this blog, our team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center shares some of our favorite cooler weather tips for pets Sacramento edition. 


Halloween Pet Safety Tips for a Spooky, Not-Scary, Holiday

A cat sniffing a pumpkin.

From the hordes of costumed children ringing the doorbell all night and the bowl of chocolate bars left on the end table, to the scary animatronic witch on the front porch, Halloween can be a stressful and even dangerous time for pets.

Fortunately, Halloween pet safety is pretty simple, and mostly boils down to common sense and a bit of planning and supervision. While you make your last minute preparations for the big day, keep our tips in mind to meet your goals for an uneventful holiday for your furry companion.


Keeping Your Senior Pet Active and Engaged

Keeping Your Senior Pet Active and Engaged


As your beloved pet ages, ensuring their mental well-being becomes just as important as maintaining their physical health. At East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we understand the unique needs of senior pets and are here to help you keep your furry friend’s mind sharp and engaged.
