Common Cat Illnesses and Treatments

Wiping cats nose

Cats are incredibly resilient. This doesn’t mean, however, that they’re immune to various health conditions. Many common cat illnesses are missed because of non-existent symptoms or misinterpreted behaviors. Also, the symptoms of different cat health issues are effectively concealed as a method of self-preservation. We can help cat owners identify feline diseases before symptoms become unmanageable, as well as potential treatments for optimal wellness. 

Paying Close Attention

Cats do not outwardly express how they feel if injured or ill. Instead, they hide or socially withdraw. While some cats are naturally sort of quiet, aloof, or reclusive, if a cat suddenly spends more time alone in a dark corner, something’s probably up. 

Even in the absence of obvious clinical symptoms, abrupt changes in behavior need immediate assessment. Please call us at (916) 737-5670 to schedule an appointment and check out this earlier blog post about the signs of pet emergencies. 

Common and Contagious

There are many contagious diseases among cats. In addition to upper respiratory infections, or colds, cats may be at increased risk to the following if they are exposed to other felines:

  • Feline herpesvirus
  • Feline calicivirus
  • Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)
  • Feline leukemia virus (FeLV)
  • Feline distemper

Please let us know if your cat has congestion, trouble breathing, fever, or loss of appetite. Illnesses like FIV can take time for clinical symptoms to become noticeable. Diarrhea, fever, poor coat quality, lethargy/weakness, and any changes to their eating or bathroom habits should be evaluated and supported. 

Staying Safe 

We can help maintain your cat’s vaccination schedule in order to prevent many diseases. Zoonotic diseases, or illnesses that can spread from cats to people, can affect cats and their owners. Rabies, toxoplasmosis, hookworms, roundworms, salmonellosis, and Cat Scratch Fever can be prevented. In the case of transmission, medical care is necessary for everyone affected. 

Chronic Cat Diseases

A preventive approach to cat health can thwart many serious or long-term health problems. 

As cats age, they become vulnerable to numerous conditions, many of which can be safely treated to soothe symptoms, improve quality of life, and promote comfort. Chronic feline diseases include:

Treatment with prescription medication and regular diagnostic testing can help us understand, monitor, and effectively treat chronic cat diseases. Depending on the case, surgery may be necessary. 

An active lifestyle, balanced age-appropriate nutrition, dental care, and disease prevention are all important pieces of the cat health puzzle. Often, adjusting a cat’s diet, environment, and lifestyle can have extraordinary results.

If you have questions about common feline diseases, or concerns about your cat’s appearance or behavior, we invite you to call us at (916) 737-5670. Our team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is always here to help.