Backyard Bliss: Transforming Your Outdoor Area into a Pet Haven

dog playing outside with ball in fenced yard.

With warmer weather and plenty of sunshine, summer is a great time to get outside and play with your pup. You don’t even have to leave your home to have a good time. At East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we want to make having fun with your pet easy no matter where you are. With our tips for creating a pet-friendly yard, you can step outside to enjoy nature with Fido anytime. 

Outdoor Pet Safety 

Before we get to the fun stuff, we’ve got to cover the tips you should know for outdoor pet safety in your yard:

  • Fencing and barriers: Do you have a fence to keep your pup away from the road or your neighbor’s lawn? If not, consider having one installed. Perform regular checks to make sure there aren’t any breachable areas in the fence—ie, places your dog could jump over or dig under. Keep an eye on the latches, too. Many dogs can use their noses and paws to open the gates and escape. 
  • Plants and trees: Sago palm, oleander, aloe vera, azalea…the list of plants that can harm your dog is surprisingly long. Avoid planting these toxic plants in your yard or garden. Instead, focus on pet-friendly landscaping plants like forsythia, fescue, sunflowers, and honeysuckle. 
  • Sun and shade: If you don’t have much shade in your yard, plant trees or install a shade cloth to help keep your pup cool on hot days. Make sure there’s always fresh, cool water for Fido to drink while you’re out playing in your pet-friendly yard. 
  • Snake safety: Sacramento is home to several rattlesnake species. A snake-proof fence can help keep them out of your backyard sanctuary. Keeping your grass short and your bushes trimmed can help keep snakes out, too—they love having places to hide. A rattlesnake vaccine can give your dog a better chance in the event of the unthinkable.
  • Gardening and lawn care: Keep all yard and garden care substances locked and firmly out of your pet’s reach. Ingredients in fertilizer and pest-control sprays can harm your pup. Use pet-safe lawn and garden care products as much as possible.

The Fun Part of Backyard Pet Care

Now let’s get to the fun part: how to make your backyard an oasis for you and your pets. 

If you have cats that love to spend time outside with you, consider installing an outdoor cat tree or catio to fulfill those climbing needs. An herb garden planted with catnip, lavender, and other pet-safe plants can be a sensory haven for your kitty, too.

Dogs that love to dig will benefit from a sandbox or digging-friendly dirt area scattered with their favorite toys. At-home agility courses with ladders, tunnels, and jump poles can keep you and your dog entertained for hours. 

A kiddie pool or puppy splash pad can be a fantastic way to help your pet cool off on hot summer days.

Finally, install a bench or set out some lawn chairs where you can relax while your pets enjoy their backyard oasis. 

Summer Fun for Everyone 

Before you head to the backyard for some summer play with your pup or kitty, make sure she’s up-to-date on all her vaccines and wellness checks. The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is always here to help your pet get ready for a happy, healthy summer. Contact us today at 916-737-5670 or schedule an appointment online