How to Make Your Own Pet First-Aid Kit

Cute dog with first aid kit.

With gift-giving season right around the corner, your thoughts are likely turning to unique and thoughtful items to bestow upon friends and family. For those pet lovers in your life, and for your own pets, consider making your own pet first-aid kit. East Sacramento Veterinary Care Center has all the info that you need to up your pet safety game this holiday season: 


The Advantages Of Pet Insurance In A Time Of Urgency

Woman with cat on her lap getting pet insurance

Pet insurance. What does it cover? Is it really important? Will it be a waste of money to get it for my pet? These are common questions pet owners have about insuring their furry friends, and your friends at East Sacramento Veterinary Center want to help you figure out if it is the right option for your pets.


Do You Know How to Keep Your Pet Safe From Snakes?

Sacramento dog with snake for pet safety

Snake encounters are just a part of life in California, and yet, few of us are truly primed to handle them. 

While people may go out of our way to avoid snakes,, a pet’s predatory instincts may be triggered if they detect unexpected movement or sound in their immediate environment. Unbeknownst to the pets in hot pursuit of an unknown intruder, snakes have amazing defense mechanisms, including painful, venomous bites. 

Every year, approximately 150,000 venomous snake bites occur every year in cats and dogs. Some cases are fatal, but not all bites contain venom (known as “dry bites”). This is hardly consoling for a pet owner that simply wants to keep their pet safe from snakes.


Snake Bites and the Rattlesnake Vaccine for Dogs

rattlesnake vaccine

The spring season is definitely something to celebrate, especially for those of us who like to hike with our dogs. Getting out into nature with our pawed pals is something we cherish when the weather warms. And no doubt, it is great for our health and the health of our pets. But there is also something else that comes with the season – snakes.

This is the time of year when most wildlife emerges, including baby critters, and of course, cold blooded reptiles who thrive in the sun. This season sees a spike in the number of animal emergencies related to snake bites, about 150,000 bites to cats and dogs each year. To keep your pet safe this season, we are here to give you the snake safety and rattlesnake vaccine information you need.


Toxic Treat: Is Xylitol in Peanut Butter and Other Common Products? 

Sacramento dog eating peanut butter without Xylitol

Peanut butter is a popular and very common food item in most pantries. It’s also a good reward for your pet to be included in dog treats and used as Kong fillers. But did you know that your innocuous peanut butter may be hiding a deadly chemical called Xylitol?

Xylitol poisoning is one of the top ten toxins reported by Pet Poison Helpline. Each year, thousands of cases of Xylitol poisoning occur. But what is this substance and what products should you avoid? The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here to tell you more about Xylitol in peanut butter and other foods and what you should do to avoid these toxic treats.


Pet Poison Awareness: Take Steps to Prevent an Emergency 

Sacramento cat with poisonous plant

From the cupboards to the garage, there are many possible pet poisons that can be intriguing to a curious pet. Things we may think they would never investigate, they will. In fact, each year there are more than 180,000 pet poisonings. The effects of a pet poisoning can range from mild symptoms to critical, but even the mildest of toxicity is still frightening (and potentially expensive to treat).

March is national Pet Poison Prevention Awareness month and your friends at East Sacramento Veterinary Center want pet owners to be informed about pet poisonings and potential toxins. Through education, awareness, and vigilance, our hope is to decrease our beloved fur friends’ exposure to poisons.


Would You Know a Pet Emergency if You Saw One?

An orange cat is being examined with a stethascope

A pet emergency can come in many forms; from accidental poisonings, to being hit by a car or bitten during a fight with another animal. Some pet emergencies are much less obvious, however, making it difficult to tell whether or not your pet needs immediate medical attention or if you can just “wait and see.”

When it comes to any type of veterinary emergency, timing is critical and can mean the difference between a successful outcome and a tragedy. Knowing how to recognize a pet emergency should be in every pet owners arsenal, and the team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center can get you started!
