Pet Safety Tips for Road Trips and Air Travel

Pet Safety Tips for Road Trips and Air Travel.

Whether you’re hitting the road or taking to the skies, traveling with your pet can be a fun adventure with the proper preparation. At East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we know how important your pets are to your family, and we’re here to help you keep them safe and comfortable while traveling. 


What To Do If Your Pet Eats Something Toxic

What to Do If Your Pet Eats Something Toxic.

As much as we try to keep our pets safe, accidents happen. Curious noses sometimes find their way into trouble. But what do you do if your pet eats something toxic? At East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we know how distressing it is to realize your pet has eaten something potentially dangerous. Here’s what you need to know to handle pet poisoning situations calmly and effectively.


Decorating for the Holidays: How to Pet-Proof Your Home

Dog sleeping on lap next to Christmas Tree.

Nothing spreads holiday cheer quite like the wreaths, sparking lights, and flickering candles that we use to decorate our homes. But when it comes to households with pets, there are important dog and cat safety factors to keep in mind. Here are some tips for decorating your home for a pet-safe, celebratory holiday season:


Halloween Pet Safety Tips for a Spooky, Not-Scary, Holiday

A cat sniffing a pumpkin.

From the hordes of costumed children ringing the doorbell all night and the bowl of chocolate bars left on the end table, to the scary animatronic witch on the front porch, Halloween can be a stressful and even dangerous time for pets.

Fortunately, Halloween pet safety is pretty simple, and mostly boils down to common sense and a bit of planning and supervision. While you make your last minute preparations for the big day, keep our tips in mind to meet your goals for an uneventful holiday for your furry companion.


How to Safely Introduce a New Pet to Your Home

Dog in Box

First impressions count. Bringing a new pet into your home requires a delicate balance to ensure everyone is safe and happy. If you have kids or other pets at home, how they first encounter a new pet will have a bearing on their future lives together. While mistakes are bound to occur, it’s important to everyone’s safety to gradually and positively create opportunities for easy, breezy introductions.


Hot Dog! 10 Ways to Ensure Your Canine Companion Stays Cool in Summer

pet playing outdoors.

During the dog days of summer, the heat, humidity, and intense rays can take a toll on our fur-covered friends, but fun in the sun with your canine companion is completely doable as long as you practice our team’s tips for keeping hot dogs cool and safe!


Safe and Sound: Tips for Soothing Anxious Pets During Fireworks

dog cuddling with stuffed animal.

Research indicates that up to 50% of all dogs feel fear during firework displays. Associated behaviors may include pacing, restlessness, shaking, vocalizing, or hiding. What’s worse, with little-to-no supervision or support, stressed pets may try to flee as a way to find peace, comfort, or security. With no frame of reference for what’s happening, pets become triggered by the unpredictable, discordant sounds of the Fourth of July. With our tips, you can protect and soothe the pain of a worried pet. 


Common Health Issues in Aging Pets

Senior Golden Retriever.

Many pets inch their way toward old age without any obvious markers of the process. That doesn’t mean they don’t sometimes suffer from common age-related issues, however. With routine examinations and disease screenings, we can help pet owners stay in front of the most likely scenarios that often mark a pet’s senior years. The result is that early detection increases the effectiveness of possible treatment, but a heightened awareness of common health issues in aging pets can add to their vitality and day-to-day comfort, as well.


Pet Insurance:  Is It Right for You?

dog with pet insurance sign.

Finances are an unfortunate part of veterinary medicine. Specialized technology, the latest medications, ongoing education, and advanced facilities all come at a cost. But who doesn’t want the absolute best for their pet? For some people, pet health insurance can hold some answers, but it ultimately comes down to what is right for you and your furry family. The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here to help you consider all aspects of pet insurance. 
