Mission Impossible: Effective Ways to House Train Your Dog

A puppy outdoors on a harness

Raising a puppy, or even an adult dog who hasn’t learned the ropes, is one of the most challenging (yet rewarding!) things you can do. This early instruction helps them become well behaved, confident adults who have the skills it takes to be happy and at ease in their environment. Unfortunately, the first few weeks of getting a pup to understand where to do their business can be tough.

Your friends at East Sacramento Veterinary Center understands how difficult it can be to house train your dog, which is why we’ve put together our expert tips and tricks aimed at helping you and your pup succeed. Let’s get started!


The Unpredictable Nature of Pet Anxiety, All Summer Long

Sacramento dog with pet anxiety

We definitely seem to be lacking in certainty these days; but some things do seem to persist no matter what. Most notably (in this instance, at least), is pet anxiety – especially during the summer months.

All but guaranteed to spike around the Fourth of July, a pet’s fear, doubt, stress and yes, anxiety, can have serious health ramifications for your floofer. Be prepared to reduce potential triggers and minimize long-lasting effects so you can better soothe your pet until the threat passes.

Fireworks and Your Pet

The unpredictability and ear-splitting loudness of fireworks can have disastrous consequences for pets. Since pets cannot make sense of the noise, they tend to fear the worst. Again, be sure that your pet cannot escape or run away in fright, or hide in hard to reach places. 


Understanding (And Helping) Pet Anxiety

A dog hiding under a couch

It’s an all too common scene: you arrive home from work, tired, but happy to relax and unwind with your favorite furry friend. But what greets you instead is a couch chewed to smithereens, or a fresh urine spot on the carpet. Welcome home! 

It can be natural to think that your dog is angry with you or that your cat is trying to teach you a lesson when they exhibit these behaviors, but in reality, it’s likely that fear, anxiety, and stress are the root causes. 

Fear and anxiety are common contributing factors in behavioral problems in pets. Learn how to spot the signs of pet anxiety and steps to take to help your furry best friend.
