How to Keep Your Pets Safe in East Sacramento’s Hot Summer Weather

Sacramento summers sizzle, and while you’re beating the heat by the pool, don’t forget to protect your furry friends from the perils of heat-related pet illnesses. Read on for cool-down strategies for pets from our caring team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center.
Tips for Summer Pet Care
The hazy days of summer are perfect for enjoying quality time in the great outdoors with your favorite four-legged companion. But with the heat and humidity comes a few extra outdoor pet safety precautions.
Make these cool-down strategies for pets part of your summer pet care routine:
Treat your pet to a cool coif. Summer pet grooming that entails regular bathing and brushing can tame your pet’s tresses to keep her cooler in the summer heat. And if you’ve got a long-haired pet, a fresh trim from a professional groomer will help your pet look and feel her best.
Serve up cool treats. Make your pet some customized “pupsicles,” or freeze banana chunks, strawberries, or blueberries for cool and tasty pet treats on hot days.
Adjust your summer schedule. Exercise is important for all of us—including our pets. But it’s best to avoid walking the dog or vigorous outdoor playtime during the hottest part of the day. And when the mercury is just too hot to handle, enjoy indoor activities with your pet.
Turn your backyard into a waterpark. Use sprinklers and a kiddie pool to transform your yard into a pet-friendly waterpark.
Provide indoor relief. Keep your air conditioning set at a comfortable temperature, even while you’re away. If you don’t have air conditioning, use several fans and open the windows if there’s a breeze.
Prevent pet sunburn. The sun’s rays can burn the tender, exposed skin around your pet’s ears and nose, so make sure you apply a pet-safe sunscreen before every outdoor adventure.
Prioritize water and shade. Pet hydration is especially important in the summer. Make sure your pet always has access to clean drinking water, and wherever you go, scope out shaded areas for pets where your furry friend can find relief.
Recognizing Heat Exhaustion in Pets
If you’re ready to enjoy pet-friendly summer activities in Sacramento, like visiting a dog park or strolling the waterfront, know how to recognize the signs of heat-related illnesses in pets:
- Dry or discolored (blue, purple, or bright red) gums
- Rapid pulse
- Weakness/disorientation
- Excessive panting or drooling
- Trouble breathing
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- Collapse/loss of consciousness
Pet First-Aid for Heat Stroke
If you suspect heat stroke in pets, take the following steps immediately:
- Move your pet to a cooler environment (preferably air-conditioned).
- Gently wet your pet’s fur with cool (not cold) water.
- If one is available, use a fan to cool the pet down faster.
- Call your veterinarian or the nearest emergency clinic for further instructions.
- If your pet loses consciousness, take her to the nearest emergency veterinary hospital immediately.
With just a few extra precautions, you and your pets can enjoy the Sacramento summer. Please contact us for more pet safety tips or to schedule your pet’s checkup.