Spring Cleaning and Pet Safety

Woman spring cleaning for pet safety

Spring has sprung and there’s no feeling quite like throwing open the windows and letting some clean air into the house. Something about the exit of winter makes everything feel new, and often inspires people to clean out the house to welcome the new season and the warmer weather. As you start to plan out what you want to clean and organize, be sure you are thinking about spring cleaning and pet safety. 

Your friends at East Sacramento Veterinary Center  are here to offer some pet safety tips so you can refresh your home without putting your pets at risk. 


Ob-noxious Greenery: Toxic Plants for Pets

Cat sniffs a toxic plant.

Plants bring a natural beauty to your interior and exterior home decor. Although they are fun to look at and often easy to care for, they can pose a serious danger to your dogs and cats. The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center wants you to know which plants are poisonous, so you can enjoy some greenery at home without unknowingly housing toxic plants for pets:


Do Pet Dental Chews Really Work?

dog playing with pet dental chew toy

There is much ado about dental treats and chews that promise to give your pet a healthier smile and good breath. The lure to rely heavily on these treats can be tempting for pet owners who dislike the doggie halitosis and want to avoid brushing their pet’s teeth (ah, the struggle). The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here to separate fact from fiction when it comes to pet dental chews, as well as recommend some ways to keep your dog’s pearly whites in great condition.


Why Your Veterinary Appointment Wait Times Have Grown

Sacramento people in masks with dog

If you’ve noticed that it takes significantly longer to get your pet in to see their veterinarian these days, you aren’t alone. The Coronavirus pandemic has affected pretty much everything, and longer veterinary appointment wait times throughout the country are no exception.

At East Sacramento Veterinary Center we consider ourselves your partners in pet care. We truly empathize with the frustration that comes from having to book appointments out farther than you’re used to! We’re hoping that by explaining the reasons behind this phenomenon, and what you can do about it on your end, will help us get us all back on track sooner rather than later.


East Sacramento Veterinary Clinic’s Top Pet Blogs of 2020

A black terrier on a red chair

This past year, many of us have found ourselves spending more time with our pets than ever before; which, of course, our pets have absolutely loved.

With that, tough, pet owners have had the opportunity to witness more of our pets’ lives, quirks, and health than ever before, and we are grateful for those who have turned to our pet blog for answers.

To celebrate, we are excited to offer you our top 5 most-read blogs of the year. May they serve to remind you of something you have learned, or inspire you to learn more…


With These Healthy Pet Treats, Both of You Will Be Satisfied

Sacramento Healthy Pet Treats

Pet owners walk the line between wanting to provide the best care to their best buddies – and spoiling them rotten! Just like the choices we make to treat ourselves may not be healthy in the long run (like ice cream every day), the goodies we give our pets to make them happy or feel extra special can have similar consequences. To keep them at their fittest, we have some ideas for healthy pet treats that tick all the boxes.


Let’s Play! Popular Pet Toys

East Sacramento dog with pet toy

Whether you’ve just adopted a pet and are looking to spoil them with new toys, or are shopping for your four-legged friend’s Christmas (or birthday!) presents, it will come as no surprise that there is no shortage of pet toys to choose from! 

But what to choose? Will your kitty actually play with that adorable unicorn feather wand? Or will it just sit in the corner as they bat around the receipt from your purchase? Will your dog really play with the interactive treat puzzle? Or will he ignore it in favor of his favorite tennis ball? While there is no way to tell for sure, you can certainly up your odds by opting for these popular pet toys!


Recognizing Pet Diabetes and How to Care for Your Diabetic Pet

Sacramento CA dog with pet diabetes

November is National Pet Diabetes Month and the team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center wants to give our pet owners pertinent education and awareness around this disease. Diabetes in both dogs and cats (although, rare in felines) is on the rise in the United States. Without the proper treatment and at home care, it can cause devastating effects in our four-legged friends. The good news is that we have a better understanding of the disease and options for treating it for a better life for pets diagnosed.

It is important to understand the early signs of diabetes, so that you can get your pet on the correct treatment right away. Let’s take a closer look at pet diabetes.


Disaster Preparedness for Pets: What Every Pet Owner Needs to Know

Sacramento Pet Safety: Dogs in Car

California is no stranger to natural disasters, and the recent out of control wildfires we have faced serve as a stark reminder that everyone should have a disaster preparedness plan. Pet owners have an additional concern when it comes to emergency planning, and the team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here to help!

Our four-legged friends are valued family members, which is why disaster preparedness for pets is a critical component in your emergency planning.


Protecting Your Pet from Forest Fire Smoke

Sacramento dog and woman practicing pet safety

There’s no doubt that 2020 has been quite the year – one most of us won’t be sorry to say goodbye to! The fires that have been devastating the West Coast are the latest of many tragedies that has rocked our country, and the effects of the smoke and fire damage will be long-lasting.

When it comes to health concerns from wildfire smoke, this isn’t just about humans. Our pets and other animals are gravely impacted by the smoke and can suffer illnesses and respiratory problems relating to these wildfires. This is why the team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center wants to help you protect your pet from forest fire smoke through some proactive measures. 
