The Benefits of Walking Your Dog (With Tips!)

Happy dog on a walk.

Getting outside in the fresh air for a brisk walk is an excellent way to boost your health—and your dog’s, too. At East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we encourage all our pet parents to take their dogs out for a daily walk. Once you read about the benefits of walking your dog, you’ll see why!


Possible Explanations for Limping in Dogs

Dog limping.

Limping in dogs can be linked to various types of acute injuries, but any disruption to a dog’s normal walk, whether gradual or intermittent, can be deeply concerning (especially if it’s painful or negatively impacting daily activities). 

Limping in dogs should be assessed promptly. We can help you determine the cause of this symptom, reduce pain, and promote mobility, flexibility, and overall health.


Help, My Dog is Constipated!

Puppy trying to go to the bathroom.

Watching your pet strain in an attempt to go poop is no fun at all. Or maybe you feel like it’s been too long since your dog last pooped. Straining to poop or skipping potty sessions are both signs of constipation. If you’re asking yourself, “Why is my dog constipated?” you’re not alone. You can always contact the team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center if you’re worried. In the meantime, let’s hope your pup stays regular!


Making Belly Biscuits: Why Do Cats Knead People?

Close-up of cat paws.

If you are the proud owner of a whiskered friend, one of the best ways to know they’re happy is that tale-tell purr. A warm lap on a cold day, and your cat will be in heaven. Another blissful thing most felines like to do is knead. You know, “making biscuits” or that back-and-forth kneading that is akin to working dough for homemade bread. 

Our cat companions have a wide range of curious behaviors, but many cat owners wonder why cats knead people? You’re in luck! The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here to explain.


Prepare For and Support Your Puppy’s First Year

New puppy.

The weeks leading up to and shortly following the adoption of a puppy are nothing less than promising. With so much to look forward to (long walks at the park, fun afternoons at the beach, camping, road trips, and life-affirming snuggle time), you can almost forget all the hard work that goes into your puppy’s first year. It is an incredible journey, and we’re here to support you and your new puppy every (baby) step of the way. 


Pet Dental Care: Why it Matters, and What You Can Do

Pet dental care.

Providing for our pet’s needs is seemingly simple; nutritious food, warm shelter, basic veterinary care, plenty of exercise, and lots of love is a recipe for a happy and healthy pet. Most pet owners are more than happy to take good care of their furry friends, but one aspect is often overlooked: pet dental care.

Although you wouldn’t go days, weeks, months, or years without brushing your teeth or visiting the dentist, (hopefully!) it’s easy to overlook a pet’s oral health. The truth is that pets need dental care as much as humans do, and ignoring it can lead to disastrous health consequences.


How Common Is Sneezing in Cats?

Sick cat.

If you’ve started to lovingly refer to your cat as “Sneezy,” it’s a good idea to have them examined. While cat sneezing is not usually a reason to be overly concerned, frequent and unexplained episodes definitely warrant a veterinary visit and examination. This is especially true if they are repeatedly sneezing and also show other uncharacteristic or out of the blue symptoms.


Why Your Vet Might Recommend a Pet Ultrasound

Dog getting ultrasound

Veterinary medicine gets more and more advanced with each passing year. In many ways, the diagnostics and treatment options that we are able to offer are very similar to those in human medicine. When it comes to diagnosis of a problem with your pet, pet ultrasound is a more advanced option that can be helpful. East Sacramento Veterinary Center is proud to bring this testing modality to you and your dog or cat. 


Elevate Pet Health in the New Year

Dog out jogging

Pet owners often go to extremes to make their pets feel safe, comfortable, healthy, and happy, but we don’t always achieve a slam dunk. Take, for example, a sizable pile of expensive cat toys next to the coveted, yet almost discarded, cardboard box. Our efforts don’t necessarily always line up with what our pets really want and/or need. The good news is that we’ll always keep trying to hit that bull’s eye, and the new year is the perfect time to zero-in on pet health plans. 
