How to Prepare For Your Pet’s Next Wellness Exam

Cute puppy and kitten at veterinarian.

It’s highly relatable to only remember important questions after an anticipated meeting or appointment–like your pet’s annual wellness exam. We’ve all been there! In response, we try to cover as much ground as possible during every wellness exam. Owner questions and concerns are among our top priorities, but pet care topics are nothing if not expansive. Getting the most out of your pet’s next wellness exam is easy when you have time to prepare your notes and observations.


How to Make Your Own Pet First-Aid Kit

Cute dog with first aid kit.

With gift-giving season right around the corner, your thoughts are likely turning to unique and thoughtful items to bestow upon friends and family. For those pet lovers in your life, and for your own pets, consider making your own pet first-aid kit. East Sacramento Veterinary Care Center has all the info that you need to up your pet safety game this holiday season: 


Ways to Help Deal with Pet Obesity

Cute cat on scale.

Your dog has never met a food he didn’t like. He’s always on the lookout for tasty table scraps. He has also been known to snatch several hors d’oeuvres off a cocktail tray when he gets the chance. Until now, you’ve just laughed at your dog’s gluttonous behavior. However, your family’s food hound has recently begun to show signs of pet obesity. At East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we want to help him get back on track.


Why is a Wellness Care Exam so Important for My Cat?

Cat hugging veterinarian.

You give your sweet cat the absolute best of everything. She gets quality food she actually likes to eat, and you surprise her with a new toy every week. And, of course, you give her plenty of attention. Although cats seem to be completely independent, they do need a little help from us. The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center wants to help you understand why regular wellness care helps to keep your feline friend healthy.


Delicious Pill Pockets for Sneaky Pet Owners

Trying to give a stubborn dog a pill.

Whether a pet has to take medication for a chronic condition or they’re recovering from an acute illness or injury, you’re probably going to have to help them swallow a few pills. For many humans and their pets, this experience is neither fun nor easy. But it can be done with some covert planning and preparation. If your pet has become wise to the commercially available pill pockets, don’t worry. You can embark on a cloak-and-dagger operation to get the job done, and we’re where to help.


Facts About the Bordetella Vaccine for Dogs

A border collie visiting a veterinarian.

When it comes to vaccinations for dogs, East Sacramento Veterinary Center knows it isn’t one size fits all. Not all pups need protection against all diseases. Our expert team will definitely recommend the ones we think will most benefit your individual pet, but having some basic understanding on your own is a great thing. The Bordetella vaccine, which protects against kennel cough, is one that many pet owners ask about. Read on to learn about the Bordetella vaccine and whether it is right for your pet. 


Signs, Stages, and Preventing Parvo in Dogs

Dog not eating his food.

Parvovirus, or “parvo,” is a very serious and often deadly viral disease seen in dogs. At East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we feel strongly about helping pet owners understand this devastating disease. We hope that through education we can help dog lovers everywhere learn how to prevent parvo. Here are the facts you need to know about parvo in puppies.


Dog Anxiety: What Pet Owners Need to Know

Anxious dog hiding from storm.

We don’t always know what is going on inside of our pet’s brains, but we do know that they can experience a range of emotions and even suffer from some mental illnesses, similar to people. 

East Sacramento Veterinary Center has experience treating many pets for problems like anxiety. We know that pet owners being able to recognize dog anxiety is an important part of us being able to help with dog anxiety and other behavioral issues. 


Coughing Cat: Hairball or More???

A pretty cat sitting nearby.

Cats are known for being quiet and stealthy, so a loud coughing kitty is certainly cause for concern. When a pet owner notices their cat making a new noise, a lot of thoughts might run through their head. Is it a hairball? Allergies? Cat asthma? Kennel cough? East Sacramento Veterinary Center has the answers you need when it comes to a coughing cat. 
