Tick Removal: What You Need to Know

Sacramento dog has ticks.

If your dog or cat spends any time outdoors, checking for ticks should be an important daily task that you practice. Ticks are dangerous and can pose a threat to humans and pets alike, causing thousands of tick-borne illnesses and infections every year. While ticks can be more active during the summer, some kinds of ticks are active year-round! 

Finding and removing ticks can be an unpleasant experience. Luckily, the team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here to help with these important tips you need to know about tick removal:  


My Pet Has Fleas! How You Can Help

Sacramento dog scratching fleas.

Fleas are nasty little parasites that can bite and suck blood, which leads to itching and discomfort for your pet. They can cause diseases and can even bite humans! To keep their pets and loved ones safe and healthy, every pet owner should familiarize themselves with the signs and symptoms of a flea infestation. 

What can start out as excessive itching and scratching can turn into hair loss and major irritation for your dog or cat. The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center has put together some ways to identify if fleas have made their home in your pet’s fur (or elsewhere in your household), and how to get rid of them. 


True Confessions: My Pet Eats Bugs (and It’s Probably Okay)

Pet wellness.

Many pets have a tendency to track flying objects with the intent to chomp on and swallow them. It may seem odd, and it’s definitely a little gross, but it is a fairly normal behavior in the animal world. Dogs and cats seem to enjoy snatching up flying insects. If you’ve been cautiously observing this behavior, and wondering why your pet eats bugs, we’ve got the scoop.


Is Your Dog’s Heartworm Testing Up to Date

Sacramento dog with heartworm.

With the coming of the spring and summer seasons comes an influx of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous vectors of disease and carry some of the most dangerous zoonosis, including heartworm disease. Because of this, it is critical to maintain your dog’s heartworm testing each year and keep them on a monthly preventive. 

East Sacramento Veterinary Center wants to give you an overview of heartworm disease in pets so you know why screening is an essential tool in detecting this serious parasitic disease. 


The Advantages Of Pet Insurance In A Time Of Urgency

Woman with cat on her lap getting pet insurance

Pet insurance. What does it cover? Is it really important? Will it be a waste of money to get it for my pet? These are common questions pet owners have about insuring their furry friends, and your friends at East Sacramento Veterinary Center want to help you figure out if it is the right option for your pets.


Snick Snek Paddywack: Danger Noodle Safety Tips

Mohave rattlesnake over dried red soil
Mojave rattlesnake at sunset.

Snakes, also known as danger noodles, sneks, or nope ropes are slithering around East Sacramento like they own the place. While some are harmless (those can be called slippery tube dudes), danger noodles get their name because they are full of venom (hurt juice) and they are not afraid to use it. Whether you refer to them as nope ropes or slippery tube dudes, here are some safety tips so the only kind of snakebite you experience are the kinds that mix lager and cider:


Spring Cleaning and Pet Safety

Woman spring cleaning for pet safety

Spring has sprung and there’s no feeling quite like throwing open the windows and letting some clean air into the house. Something about the exit of winter makes everything feel new, and often inspires people to clean out the house to welcome the new season and the warmer weather. As you start to plan out what you want to clean and organize, be sure you are thinking about spring cleaning and pet safety. 

Your friends at East Sacramento Veterinary Center  are here to offer some pet safety tips so you can refresh your home without putting your pets at risk. 


Ob-noxious Greenery: Toxic Plants for Pets

Cat sniffs a toxic plant.

Plants bring a natural beauty to your interior and exterior home decor. Although they are fun to look at and often easy to care for, they can pose a serious danger to your dogs and cats. The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center wants you to know which plants are poisonous, so you can enjoy some greenery at home without unknowingly housing toxic plants for pets:


Do Pet Dental Chews Really Work?

dog playing with pet dental chew toy

There is much ado about dental treats and chews that promise to give your pet a healthier smile and good breath. The lure to rely heavily on these treats can be tempting for pet owners who dislike the doggie halitosis and want to avoid brushing their pet’s teeth (ah, the struggle). The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here to separate fact from fiction when it comes to pet dental chews, as well as recommend some ways to keep your dog’s pearly whites in great condition.


Why Your Veterinary Appointment Wait Times Have Grown

Sacramento people in masks with dog

If you’ve noticed that it takes significantly longer to get your pet in to see their veterinarian these days, you aren’t alone. The Coronavirus pandemic has affected pretty much everything, and longer veterinary appointment wait times throughout the country are no exception.

At East Sacramento Veterinary Center we consider ourselves your partners in pet care. We truly empathize with the frustration that comes from having to book appointments out farther than you’re used to! We’re hoping that by explaining the reasons behind this phenomenon, and what you can do about it on your end, will help us get us all back on track sooner rather than later.
