Preparing Pets for Sacramento’s Cooler Weather

With the summer heatwave now a distant memory and the crisp, clean air of winter on the way, you might be wondering if there are steps you should take for Sacramento pet winter preparation. While our winters are relatively mild, our pets can still feel the chill, so in this blog, our team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center shares some of our favorite cooler weather tips for pets Sacramento edition.
Sacramento Pets Cold Weather Tips
The temperatures can swing rapidly in Sacramento, so always keep your eyes on the forecast and take the following measures to protect your pets from the elements.
- Start With a Clean Bill of Health: Begin your Sacramento pet winter preparation with a clean bill of health! At your pet’s wellness visit, we’ll conduct a thorough physical exam, share additional cooler weather tips for pets in Sacramento, make dietary recommendations, and administer vaccines and parasite control so your pet is protected throughout the colder days ahead.
- Be Persistent with Parasite Prevention: Because of our temperate climate, fleas and ticks never fully disappear. The only way to effectively protect your pets from fleas, ticks, and heartworms is with year-round, veterinarian-recommended parasite prevention.
- Keep Pets Dry: Our rainy season is November through February when more than half of our annual precipitation occurs. Wet fur plus plunging temperatures equals an extremely cold combo. Keep pets inside or dress dogs in protective gear for walks. Dry off your pets as soon as possible when they come indoors.
- Adjust for Changing Daylight: As the sun sets earlier, the temperatures will fall earlier, too. Adjust your dog’s walking schedule to suit the diminishing daylight for improved safety and warmth.
- Hydration is Key: Cooler weather coupled with drier air can cause pets to become dehydrated, particularly very active pets and, conversely, senior pets that lack the gumption to visit the water bowl. Provide clean, fresh water at all times, and consider using a pet fountain to encourage pets to drink. Use plastic bowls (rather than metal) for outside animals, and check the water frequently to make sure it isn’t frozen.
- Give Pets a Cozy Place to Rest: Keep pet beds away from exterior doors and chilly drafts. Senior pets and those with arthritis or other joint conditions might benefit from a heating pad (designed for pet use) or a soft, orthopedic pet bed.
- Check Under the Hood: Warm engines in parked cars can attract neighborhood cats and other wildlife. Before restarting your car, bang on your hood a couple of times to scare off cats seeking refuge from the cold.
- Protect Your Pets from Winter Chemicals: Antifreeze tastes sweet to pets but poses a deadly hazard. Wipe up spills immediately and store all chemicals, including sidewalk de-icers, out of reach of pets.
We Take Pets in Cold Weather Safety Seriously
For more pets in cold weather safety tips or to schedule an appointment, please contact our caring team at (916) 737-5670.