5 Common Pet Health Problems and How to Prevent Them

Puppy and kitten with veterinarian.

Here at East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we love spreading the word about the importance of preventive care. But we know that pet health issues can happen despite those annual wellness appointments. That’s part of preventive care, after all—it doesn’t just help your pet avoid health issues. It also helps us catch them early if your pet does develop them. So, what are the most common pet health problems to look out for? 

Here are 5 common conditions we see at our clinic.  


Coughing Cat: Hairball or More???

A pretty cat sitting nearby.

Cats are known for being quiet and stealthy, so a loud coughing kitty is certainly cause for concern. When a pet owner notices their cat making a new noise, a lot of thoughts might run through their head. Is it a hairball? Allergies? Cat asthma? Kennel cough? East Sacramento Veterinary Center has the answers you need when it comes to a coughing cat. 
