Backyard Bliss: Transforming Your Outdoor Area into a Pet Haven

dog playing outside with ball in fenced yard.

With warmer weather and plenty of sunshine, summer is a great time to get outside and play with your pup. You don’t even have to leave your home to have a good time. At East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we want to make having fun with your pet easy no matter where you are. With our tips for creating a pet-friendly yard, you can step outside to enjoy nature with Fido anytime. 


How to Keep Your Pets Safe in East Sacramento’s Hot Summer Weather

dog drinking from water bottle.

Sacramento summers sizzle, and while you’re beating the heat by the pool, don’t forget to protect your furry friends from the perils of heat-related pet illnesses. Read on for cool-down strategies for pets from our caring team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center. 


Leptospirosis: A Real and Present Threat

A dog rolling in the mud and drinking from a puddle.

Although most dog owners have heard of leptospirosis, and many others make sure their pet is vaccinated against it, the disease remains somewhat of a mystery to many pet owners. This contagious disease that affects both pets and people is on the rise in the United States and Canada, and depending on your pet’s lifestyle, he or she may be at risk. 

Understanding leptospirosis, how it’s transmitted, and what you can do to protect your pet, may be an essential part of your dog’s continuing good health and longevity.


Feline Preferences: Should You Build a Catio?

A cat sitting out by a netting

Just when you thought your cat couldn’t get any cuter, they roll over to show you their belly or scamper across the house just to greet you. 

Without a doubt, there are few things better than a happy cat. Cat owners are especially savvy at providing toys, treats, and activities to make their cat happy, but we don’t always hit the bull’s eye. And when it comes to voicing their likes and dislikes, many felines are, most certainly, effective communicators. 

If you have ever wondered if you should build a catio to make your feline extra content, we have a few tips to get started.


Do You Know How to Keep Your Pet Safe From Snakes?

Sacramento dog with snake for pet safety

Snake encounters are just a part of life in California, and yet, few of us are truly primed to handle them. 

While people may go out of our way to avoid snakes,, a pet’s predatory instincts may be triggered if they detect unexpected movement or sound in their immediate environment. Unbeknownst to the pets in hot pursuit of an unknown intruder, snakes have amazing defense mechanisms, including painful, venomous bites. 

Every year, approximately 150,000 venomous snake bites occur every year in cats and dogs. Some cases are fatal, but not all bites contain venom (known as “dry bites”). This is hardly consoling for a pet owner that simply wants to keep their pet safe from snakes.


Snake Bites and the Rattlesnake Vaccine for Dogs

rattlesnake vaccine

The spring season is definitely something to celebrate, especially for those of us who like to hike with our dogs. Getting out into nature with our pawed pals is something we cherish when the weather warms. And no doubt, it is great for our health and the health of our pets. But there is also something else that comes with the season – snakes.

This is the time of year when most wildlife emerges, including baby critters, and of course, cold blooded reptiles who thrive in the sun. This season sees a spike in the number of animal emergencies related to snake bites, about 150,000 bites to cats and dogs each year. To keep your pet safe this season, we are here to give you the snake safety and rattlesnake vaccine information you need.
