Understanding and Managing Allergies in Pets

Itchy puppy.

No pet owner wants to see their pet hurting. Often, the symptoms of pet allergies sort of simmer just below the surface. A pet may be allergic to various environmental triggers, food, or even fleas. The levels of sensitivity to different triggers covers the whole range between barely noticeable to outrageous. Pet allergies are becoming more commonplace. Accordingly, understanding and managing pet allergies is an important endeavor.


Pet Allergies: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Puppy scratching himself.

Has your pet been scratching, licking, or biting herself a lot lately? She might be dealing with pet allergies. Our dogs and cats can experience the same over-reactive immune systems that we do when we come into contact with certain allergens. The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center would like to share the common reasons for allergic reactions in pets. We’ll also help you know what symptoms to watch out for—and share how we can help manage your pet’s allergies. 


What is Reverse Sneezing?

Dog sneezing.

Most dog owners have witnessed an occasional bout of reverse sneezing, officially known as paroxysmal respiration. It’s a fairly common phenomenon in dogs, particularly for miniature and brachycephalic breeds. The unmistakable dog honking sound that accompanies a reverse sneeze is far from an ordinary “achoo,” and often catches pet parents off guard. We understand that it can be alarming to hear your dog honking, but most of the time, reverse sneezing is just a normal part of parenting pooches.
