Spring Cleaning and Pet Safety

Woman spring cleaning for pet safety

Spring has sprung and there’s no feeling quite like throwing open the windows and letting some clean air into the house. Something about the exit of winter makes everything feel new, and often inspires people to clean out the house to welcome the new season and the warmer weather. As you start to plan out what you want to clean and organize, be sure you are thinking about spring cleaning and pet safety. 

Your friends at East Sacramento Veterinary Center  are here to offer some pet safety tips so you can refresh your home without putting your pets at risk. 


Toxic Treat: Is Xylitol in Peanut Butter and Other Common Products? 

Sacramento dog eating peanut butter without Xylitol

Peanut butter is a popular and very common food item in most pantries. It’s also a good reward for your pet to be included in dog treats and used as Kong fillers. But did you know that your innocuous peanut butter may be hiding a deadly chemical called Xylitol?

Xylitol poisoning is one of the top ten toxins reported by Pet Poison Helpline. Each year, thousands of cases of Xylitol poisoning occur. But what is this substance and what products should you avoid? The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here to tell you more about Xylitol in peanut butter and other foods and what you should do to avoid these toxic treats.


Pet Poison Awareness: Take Steps to Prevent an Emergency 

Sacramento cat with poisonous plant

From the cupboards to the garage, there are many possible pet poisons that can be intriguing to a curious pet. Things we may think they would never investigate, they will. In fact, each year there are more than 180,000 pet poisonings. The effects of a pet poisoning can range from mild symptoms to critical, but even the mildest of toxicity is still frightening (and potentially expensive to treat).

March is national Pet Poison Prevention Awareness month and your friends at East Sacramento Veterinary Center want pet owners to be informed about pet poisonings and potential toxins. Through education, awareness, and vigilance, our hope is to decrease our beloved fur friends’ exposure to poisons.
