How to Deal with Separation Anxiety in Pets

Dog Look Out Window

Despite the amount of American pets with anxiety, the source of symptoms isn’t always clear. Noise, lack of training or socialization, or poor impulse control contribute to their emotional states, but many cases of pet anxiety start when left alone. Separation anxiety in pets is a real struggle, and we’re here to prevent problems from developing.


Dog Anxiety: What Pet Owners Need to Know

Anxious dog hiding from storm.

We don’t always know what is going on inside of our pet’s brains, but we do know that they can experience a range of emotions and even suffer from some mental illnesses, similar to people. 

East Sacramento Veterinary Center has experience treating many pets for problems like anxiety. We know that pet owners being able to recognize dog anxiety is an important part of us being able to help with dog anxiety and other behavioral issues. 
