Why You Should Cancel Your Pet’s Veterinary Appointment Instead of Simply Not Show Up

Woman with dog at Sacramento veterinary hospital.

Any veterinarian will tell you that their patients always come first, no matter what. Whether an animal needs routine or urgent care, they are priority number one. At East Sacramento Veterinary Center, our team strives to deliver the best possible experience for pets and their people alike. To that end, we take steps to ensure that every veterinary appointment is on time and running smoothly. It’s no fun to wait, especially if a pet is sick, injured, or totally stressed out by the process. 

Snags Along the Way

Cancellations are simply part of the service industry. We do not require a reason behind a cancellation, but it’s not uncommon to hear about car trouble, financial constraints, improvement of a pet’s recent condition, and even bad weather. These are all valid, and we understand that life is full of surprises.

Let Us Know

Cancelling your pet’s appointment is easy! Simply give us a call to let us know not to expect you. That way, we can rearrange our schedule to better serve other patients. To provide the best possible care to all of our patients, we do ask for 24 hours notice to cancel a veterinary appointment.

So Much Better Than a No-Show

You may be planning on bringing your pet in, but then something major happens that demands your immediate attention. We are happy to reschedule your pet’s veterinary appointment at a more convenient time. 

Kind Accommodations

Instead of simply not showing up at your pet’s veterinary appointment, just give us a call at (916) 634-0822. Not only does this courtesy help us restructure our work day, but informs us of what’s going on with your pet.

For example, if you made an appointment for them because of certain symptoms that subsequently disappeared before the appointment, a cancellation is up to you. In this case, we’d like to follow up with you about your pet’s symptoms, behavior, and appearance. 

Your Pet’s Veterinary Appointment

We value both our human clientele and their furry friends. We hope our dedication and respect for your time translate into a positive, lasting impression. Routine exams and veterinary care are paramount to your pet’s overall quality of life, and we’re always here to help.

Still have questions about your pet’s veterinary appointment? Give us a call at (916) 634-0822.